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Kennett Puerto

Computer Science

Undergraduate Research Assistant

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Kennett is currently working as an undergraduate research assistant with developing data visualization tools and developing hardware to collect such data. On his off time he likes studying Japanese, learning about new tools in the software world and reading.


2002Born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras
2020Started college at Kentucky State University
2023Undergraduate Research Assistant

Time in Honduras

9:25:22 PM

Contact Information

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Kennett Puerto

Computer Science

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Welcome to my portfolio website!


Kennett is currently working as an undergraduate research assistant with developing data visualization tools and developing hardware to collect such data. On his off time he likes studying Japanese, learning about new tools in the software world and reading.


2002Born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras
2020Started college at Kentucky State University
2023Undergraduate Research Assistant

Time in Honduras

9:25:22 PM

Contact Information